Dr. Alok K. Bohara is a Full Professor of Economics and the founder of the
Nepal Study Center at the
University of New Mexico. He also has a Masters degree in Statistics and taught at
Tribhuvan University, Nepal for three years before coming to the US. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Colorado (Boulder) in economics (1986). He has published close to eighty peer-reviewed articles in various national and international journals, and has worked on projects funded by the National Science Foundation. His research interest includes topics such as, health, environmental economics, development issues, political economy, causes and consequences of conflict, good governance, and socio-economic change.
Professor Bohara has collaborated with many scholars, both from the UNM and outside, to establish a research center at UNM, the Nepal Study Center. This center, with a focus on South Asia and the Himalayan region, deals with the policy research issues related to climate change, health, poverty, pollution, water, bio-diversity, tele-health, eco-monitoring, and sustainability living. Through annual conferences and e-journals, the NSC has brought together national and international scholars for exchange of ideas.